Personal Computer World 2009 February
Browsers, Managers & Extensions
CookieSwap 0.5
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Text File
207 lines
// *****************************************************************************
// * cs_Cookie Class *
// * *
// ************************** Coding Standards *********************************
// * gMyVariable - global variable (starts with "g", then mixed case) *
// * myVariable - variables passed into functions *
// * my_variable - local variable inside of a function *
// * this.myVariable - class attributes/variable (mixed case & always *
// * referenced with "this.") *
// * MyFunction - functions are always mixed case *
// * MY_CONSTANT - constants are all caps with underscores *
// * *
// *************************** Revision History ********************************
// * Name Date BugzID Action *
// * --------- --------- ----- ------ *
// * SteveTine 28Dec2005 12561 Initial Creation *
// * SteveTine 11Jan2006 12720 Fixing the way session cookies are handled *
// * SteveTine 16Jan2007 Trac9 Changing class name to avoid name clash *
// * *
// ************************* BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *******************************
// * Version: MPL 1.1 *
// * *
// *The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version*
// * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with *
// * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at *
// * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ *
// * *
// * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,*
// * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License *
// * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the *
// * License. *
// * *
// * The Original Code is the CookieSwap Mozilla/Firefox Extension *
// * *
// * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is *
// * Steven Tine. *
// * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2006 *
// * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. *
// * *
// * Contributor(s): Steven Tine *
// * *
// **************************END LICENSE BLOCK**********************************
//The Date class takes milliseconds, while cookies are stored in seconds. Use
// this define to convert from sec to ms.
const SEC_TO_MS_MULT = 1000;
const TAB_FIELD = "\t";
//-------------------cs_Cookie class def---------------------
// This file contains the definition of the "cs_Cookie" class which
// provides the ability to input a nsICookie or String consisting of a cookie
// line in a storage file. It can then output the cookie in numerous
// styles:
// getCookieString-The string style needed by CookieService.setCookieString()
// getCookieUrl- URI used by CookieService.setCookieString()
// getCookieFileString-The string style used for storing a cookie in a file
//"cookie" can be a NsICookie or it can be a string that corresponds
// to the cookie file string returned from a previous instance of
// this cookie's getCookieFileString() call.
function cs_Cookie(cookie)
//Define a debug function for the class...change true/false to turn it on/off
this.classDump=function(s){true ? cookieswap_dbg("[cs_Cookie]" + s) : (s)}
//This is the way to call the debug function
this.classDump("START cs_Cookie ctor");
this.isValid = false; //Init cookieValid flag to false...the code below will
// change to true if it is found to be valid
//I'm not sure how to override methods in javascript, so I'll use a run-time
// type check to do it
if (cookie instanceof Components.interfaces.nsICookie)
//Fill in the attributes of the class based on the attributes of the cookie
this.expires = cookie.expires;
this.host = cookie.host;
this.isDomain = cookie.isDomain;
this.isSecure = cookie.isSecure;
this.name = cookie.name;
this.path = cookie.path;
this.policy = cookie.policy;
this.status = cookie.status;
this.value = cookie.value;
this.isValid = true; //Looks like a good cookie...mark it as valid
if (cookie.charAt(0) != '#') //Comment lines start with a "#"
//Cookie File string format is:
// domain <tab> tailmatch <tab> path <tab> secure <tab> expires <tab> name <tab> value
// [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
var fields=cookie.split(TAB_FIELD);
//The split should find at least 6 fields...if not, it is not a valid string
if (fields.length >= 6)
this.host = fields[0];
this.path = fields[2];
this.isSecure = fields[3]=="TRUE" ? true : false;
this.expires = fields[4];
this.isDomain = this.host.charAt(0) == '.' ? true : false;
this.name = fields[5];
this.policy = null; //Information is not in the cookieString (I think)
this.status = null; //Information is not in the cookieString (I think)
this.value = fields[6];
this.isValid = true; //Looks like a good cookie...mark it as valid
this.classDump("Cookie split length is only " + fields.length + " not 6+ in =>" + cookie);
this.classDump("END cs_Cookie ctor...cookie is " + this.isValid);
//Public Methods
//--------------cs_Cookie class methods-------------------
cs_Cookie.prototype.getCookieFileString = function()
this.classDump("START getCookieFileString()");
//Cookie File format is:
// domain <tab> tailmatch <tab> path <tab> secure <tab> expires <tab> name <tab> value
var cookie_string;
var tailmatch = this.host.charAt(0) == '.' ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
var is_secure = this.isSecure ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
cookie_string = this.host + TAB_FIELD +
tailmatch + TAB_FIELD +
this.path + TAB_FIELD +
is_secure + TAB_FIELD +
this.expires + TAB_FIELD +
this.name + TAB_FIELD +
this.classDump("END getCookieFileString()");
//This method returns a string that captures all the attributes of the cookie. It is a
// string that can be used in the setCookieString method of the Cookie Service
cs_Cookie.prototype.getCookieString = function()
this.classDump("START getCookieString()");
var cookie_string;
cookie_string = this.name + "=" + this.value + ";";
//Domain cookies are those that start with ".", like ".google.com"
if (this.host.charAt(0) == '.')
cookie_string = cookie_string + "domain=" + this.host + ";";
//Cookies with an expiration of 0 are "session cookies" that expire at the end of the
// session. Leaving the "expires=" off the string will cause the browser to treat
// it as such.
if (this.expires != 0)
cookie_string = cookie_string + "expires=" + (new Date(SEC_TO_MS_MULT * this.expires)) + ";";
cookie_string = cookie_string + "path=" + this.path + ";";
if (this.isSecure == true)
cookie_string = cookie_string + "secure;";
this.classDump("cookie_string=>" + cookie_string + "\nEND getCookieString()");
return (cookie_string);
//This method returns a nsIURI object that is the URL of the cookie
cs_Cookie.prototype.getCookieUrl = function()
this.classDump("START getCookieUrl()");
var uri = ffGetStandardUrl();
//In the uri.spec, specify https if secure or http if not
var http_proto = this.isSecure ? "https://" : "http://";
uri.spec = http_proto + this.host + this.path;
this.classDump("uri.spec=>" + uri.spec + "\nEND getCookieUrl()");
//This method will return if the cookie is a "session" cookie (on that expires
// at the end of the session) or not
cs_Cookie.prototype.isSessionCookie = function()
//A session cookie is one with an expiration time of 0
return(this.expires == 0 ? true : false);